CS:GO community is once again enraged and this time it’s Fortnite World Cup being the cause. With whopping $30 Million USD prize pool for the world cup, and even Dota 2’s The International’s prize pool has crossed $30 Million, CS:GO community is not quite happy with the developers. On the contrary, being the oldest and most user-friendly esport with heavy viewership, CS:GO’s most prominent tournament, the valve sponsored major, is capped at $1 Million.
A thread titled, “Valve: Let us crowdfund majors” was heavily upvoted and several heated arguments took place, however, Valve has remained ignorant about it. “It’s pathetic that a consumer would ask a company to humbly allow them to pay the money they should be providing,” commented a user.
Unlike Dota 2, CS:GO community does not crowdfund events, however, the community purchases stickers, graffiti, etc. and half the money is directly transferred to the players. Meaning that the community does not actually crowdfund the events but they definitely contribute towards teams’ earnings.
16-year-old Bugha who won $3 Million USD in the Fortnite World Cup has surpassed lifetime earnings of various CS:GO pro players for nearly a decade or have won multiple majors including — Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz, Jake “Stewie2K Yip, Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo, Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer, Filip “NEO” Kubski, Nathan “NBK” Schmitt.
Several CS:GO celebrities reacted to the Fortnite World Cup held last weekend. Jake “Stewie2K” was quite critical about Bugha winning $3M USD while Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz congratulated the winners and applauded the game bringing masses closer to video games. Nathan “NBK” Schmitt was quite amused by the prize pool. Rory “dephh” Jackson said he doesn’t like the game but he appreciated what it has been doing for gaming fraternity. Markus “Kjaerbye” Kjærbye shared a light moment criticising CS:GO major’s comparatively less prize pool, while DonHaci criticized Fortnite’s RNG mechanism.
Valve still hasn’t responded, however, fans await.