The battle pass page introduction reads as:
“The International Battle Pass is here to blaze a trail into the heart of the Dota summer season. Loaded full of exclusive features and legendary rewards, the Battle Pass is your treasure map to mythic fortune and glory as we journey to the conclusion of this year’s Dota Pro Circuit and the ultimate showdown in Shanghai.”
The standard edition of the battle pass costs the usual 9.99$.
Earlier there used to be a Bonus Battle Bundle you could buy consisting of Battle plus + additional 75 levels.
This year it has been changed to 2 different Bundles:
- Bundle 1: Standard Battle Pass + 50 Levels: 29.35$
- Bundle 2: Standard Battle Pass + 100 Levels: 44.99$

There is a new SPECIAL EVENT called the “WRATH OF THE MO’ROKAI” which will be released soon.
There are a host of new features as well such as MVP Vote, Living Towers, Coach’s challenges, Avoid player etc.
All the new features can be seen by visiting the official Battle Pass page.
Prepare your wallets! Get ready for the exciting adventure that is about to begin!