Friday, March 28, 2025

Valorant 5.04 PBE patch notes: What’s New?

Players on the PBE, already know what to expect from the upcoming 5.04 update. With confirmed changes to kits of several agents, the patch will address both major and minor bugs that were plaguing the game for a long time.

The 5.04 update heavily focuses on quality control and will ensure the bugs that were discovered on a large scale has been addressed along with optimising the game to ensure a smoother experience.

Most importantly, the update will see improvements in the game engine, i.e the Unreal Engine which will mostly iron out the wrinks in performance.

Valorant 5.04 PBE Patch Notes:

AUG 19 weekend PBE will focus on Patch stability and crosshair changes.


  • We did it, our upgrade to Unreal Engine 4.26 is complete and it’s what you’ll play on during this PBE. Still lots of data and metrics collecting going on to see the state of things.


  • Fixed a bug where Yoru’s Gatecrash would sometimes leave floor markers in incorrect locations
  • Fixed a bug where Chamber’s trademarks were not knifeable


Crosshair quality of life changes!

  • Added the ability to select a custom crosshair color.
    • Go to Settings >> Crosshair >> Primary, Aim Down Sights, or Sniper Scope
    • On the drop down menu for color, select Custom and input the Hex Code (6-digit RGB) value of desired color
    • If a non-Hex code is entered, crosshair will revert to the previous color.
  • Added the ability to independently tune horizontal and vertical crosshair lines.
    • Go to Settings >> Crosshair >> Primary or Aim Down Sights >> Inner/Outer Length
      • Disabling the middle “chain” icon enables independent tuning.
      • Left slider is for horizontal line and the right slider is for the vertical line.
  • Added the ability to copy spectating player’s crosshair settings
    • When spectating another player, type “/crosshair copy” or “/cc” to import the crosshair of the player you are spectating and save it as a new crosshair profile
  • Increased the number of crosshair profiles available from 10 to 15


Valorant PBE

Much like any other pre-built version, Riot offers users to get a sneak peak into the what the future holds for the game. Players can sign up for the PBE which doesn’t necessarily means that their account will be restricted to the beta version of the game but testing the updates out early will make sure when it hits the live server its ready to go without causing any issues.

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