Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Valorant Player Sent Flying with Breach Ultimate, Clutches Afterwards

In what Valorant players would notice to be a rather uncommon occurrence, a player was lifted high up into the air after an enemy Breach used his ultimate ability to clear a site.

While Breach’s ultimate, Rolling Thunder, is originally supposed to stun and knock up any enemy caught in its blast radius, the player in this scenario was lifted significantly higher than usual.

This jump caught the player by surprise. However, Reddit user u/SwfGlass quickly regained his composure and clutched the round with a Sheriff and an Operator.

The clip was later shared to Reddit by the player himself. 

The reason behind this occurrence is still unclear. As mentioned earlier, Rolling Thunder is known for lifting players up a bit, but not nearly as much as the player in the video did. Players are suspecting it to be some sort of bug that can’t be easily recreated.

Regardless, players will be hoping for Riot to patch out this, along with several other bugs found in the tactical shooter recently, at the earliest.

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