Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Riot re-enables Yoru after fixing a game breaking exploit

Yoru can now be picked in your official matches after Riot games had disabled the duelist agent from the Agent selection due to a bug that would allow him to teleport outside the play area.

Over the last week, several tweets and videos surfaced on Youtube regarding the infamous bug where Yoru could teleport inside structures on maps Bind and Breeze by using his ability, “gatecrash”. This glitch was indeed game-breaking as it allowed the players to shoot from inside of the structures, thus keeping their positions unknown to the opponents.

Similarly, we witnessed players exploit this bug, where they would use gatecrash and plant the spike inside the pyramids on Breeze, making it almost impossible for the opponents to retake the site. These bugs were indeed deemed to be crucial for such players who had an upper hand over their enemies. 

More surprisingly, Breeze has been the latest addition to Valorant’s Competitive map pool, but unfortunately, the map was temporarily debarred from matchmaking as well due to Yoru “Gatecrash” bug. On May 18, Riot temporarily decommissioned Yoru from getting picked until the issue stands resolved. 

Today, Valorant on Twitter announced that Yoru is now available to get picked from the Agent Selection window as they have deployed a fix that would straighten out this exploit.

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