Patch 1.11 of Riot’s tactical shooter Valorant is about to go live in the next few hours, and it’ll bring a number of new additions to the game.
Apart from the introduction of Skye, a bunch of competitive changes, and various fixes, the latest patch also implements a quality of life feature that fans have been requesting for months.
The left-handed model is something that’s already prevalent in some other competitive shooters like CSGO and helps players switch their viewmodel’s side at will.
Regardless if you’re a left-handed player, you can use this new feature to open up a wide area on the bottom-right of your screen which would otherwise be occupied by your weapon model.
Change Viewmodel In Valorant –
How To Select Left Hand in Valorant?

To use the left-handed mode, players will have to go to the settings after launching Valorant and change the “First Person Handedness” option from there. Once done, all the players you spectate in-game will also appear to be left-handed.