Only a few days remain before the next Valorant agent Yoru is introduced to the shooter on January 12th, and it seems like we already have a bunch of leaks about the Japanese assassin.
After the abilities of agent Yoru were initially leaked by Russian YouTuber ‘БАЧОК’ on January 2nd, this time players have dug up information regarding the lore and backstory of the upcoming agent.
As known to many, Yoru is a native Japanese. Furthermore, the in-game agent description states, “Yoru can create gaps, in reality, itself to sneak into enemy territory unnoticed. Strength and stealth allow him to take enemies by surprise – they won’t even have time to understand where death came from.”
Many players are also speculating that Yoru might be a time traveller who’s related to the samurai on Icebox which was discovered soon after the map’s release. According to the speculations, Yoru time travelled from the past to Icebox, which is located in Bennett Island, Russia to retrieve the samurai armor.
This speculation can be supported by an in-game newspaper that reports the presence of time-travellers in the Valorant universe.