Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Valorant Patch Notes 4.09 PBE Brings Chamber Nerfs, Clutch Mute & More

Riot Games has shipped a new update to the Valorant Public Beta Environment (PBE) servers, and the 4.09 update brings with it some changes that might become a cause of concern for Chamber mains.

The French Sentinel isn’t very happy about the Valorant 4.09 PBE update, as it has introduced some heavy nerfs to the Agent.

Not only have his Trademark Charges been reduced, but their price has also been increased by a small amount. Trademark’s audio volume has also been increased, which means that enemies will be able to hear it more easily and won’t be caught off-guard as much.

These changes combined will certainly reduce Chamber’s overall effectiveness as a Sentinel locking down sites but won’t be hampering his viability as a team’s primary Operator user.

Other than this, the Valorant 4.09 PBE patch introduces a ‘Clutch Mute’ feature to the shooter that enables players to toggle their Party and/or Team Voice chat with the press of a button.

Here are the detailed patch notes of Valorant 4.09 PBE:



  • Trademark Charges reduced 2>>>1
  • Trademark Cost increased 150>>>200
  • Increased Trademark’s audio volume


Clutch Mute – 

Dev Notes: We’re testing the ability to mute your teammates so you can focus during clutch moments!

  • Go to Settings (Esc) > Controls > Communication
  • Set keybinds for Party and Team Voice Clutch Mute Keys
  • Press the keybind while in-game to Toggle “ON” the Party and/or Team Voice Clutch Mute and then again to Toggle “OFF”


  • Fixed an issue where Chamber’s Trademark was sometimes silent or quieter than intended
  • Fixed a bug where Jett’s Tailwind would sometimes fail to cast when used immediately after curving a Cloudburst smoke
  • Fixed a bug where Jett’s ultimate indicator would sometimes stay active after firing all kunai (you know, her daggers)
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