Saturday, February 22, 2025

Valorant: Raze and Killjoy Relationship Dubbed as “nanobomb” By Devs

The official photo of the nanobomb released by Riot Games shattered the web.

Riot Games rocked the internet on December 11th when it posted a wonderfully drawn graphic of Raze and Killjoy kissing, a relationship that has been discussed in the Valorant community for two years.   

It indeed made it quite obvious from the very start when Killjoy was added to the Agent roster in August of 2020.

The community named the two agents’ love “nanobomb,” combining Killjoy’s nano swarm with Raze’s bombs.

With the depiction of the kiss, Riot Games has immortalized the relationship between Raze and Killjoy, who appear to have met in Salvador, Brazil.

Valorant’s social media accounts have been tracking Killjoy, Raze, Yoru, Phoenix, and Neon as they make their way around Salvador. Riot Games has been publishing images of the gang from the trip from Neon’s perspective since December 7.

Riot Games’ nanobomb photo series was both genuine and shocking to the gaming world. After the agents landed in Salvador on the 7th of December, a picture of them was shared on Valorant’s social media accounts.

The photo caption, supposedly penned by Neon, read “Kumusta na [Hello]. First day in Salvador! Feels like I ran head-first into a brick wall, but at least I didn’t forget all my stuff like some people… Can’t wait for tonight, though! Raze is hyping up the live music scene here.”

In the second shot, Killjoy and Neon shop for a beanie and fail. The final picture depicts a displeased-looking Killjoy in the midst of Raze’s studio, where she has apparently forgotten her trademark beanie.

The fourth picture is an aerial view of a music festival, and it is packed with a lot of information. When we look attentively, we can see that Raze has prepared a surprise for Killjoy by giving her a box of presents.

Fans were quick to notice this and were curious as to what was inside the box; some of them speculated that it could include a beanie designed by Raze.

Due to their flirtatious voice lines, players quickly realized that Raze and Killjoy were developing romantic feelings for one another. In one of his numerous lines, Raze asks Killjoy, “After this, you want to do some… tinkering?” After a moment, Raze says, “tinkering.” Upon hearing this, Killjoy said, “Sure, but if anything explodes again, you are telling Brim.”

Akin to how Cypher mentioned the nanobomb picnicking on the beach when Riot Games published a dating simulator for Valorant on April Fools’ Day. “Since you asked, I did see Raze and Killjoy picnicking on the beach. All this dating drama… Good thing I’m married,” he said. 

Specifically, in Act 1 of Dimension, a battle pass called “Crossover” featured a player card for Raze and Killjoy as a dual hero. The card’s title reads, “Friendly Fire: Killjoy & Raze take on the tentacled terrors.”

Not for the first time, Riot Games has given its characters a romantic history in its games. The first openly LGBTQIA+ agents in Valorant are, however, Raze and Killjoy, aka nanobomb.

Notably, Riot has confirmed the LGBTQIA+ relationships of numerous League of Legends champions. On the other hand, there was a major scandal caused by the developer’s revelation that localization teams blocked some content in particular countries and areas.

The narratives and lore of these characters are evolving as VALORANT does, so it’s unclear if these promotional images were a great buildup to a much-awaited romance or a teaser for something else.

For more coverage on Valorant, make sure to follow TalkEsport on Google News.

Bharat Kotwani
Bharat Kotwani
Traversing the colossal journey @ TalkEsport
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