VCC: Velocity Gaming to Upper Bracket Final over Global Esports

global esports vs velocity gaming

Velocity Gaming outclass Global Esports in a Best of 3 thrillers as they now face Team Exploit in the Upper Bracket Final, to be played on August 28, 17:00 PM IST. 

Match details

  • Valorant Conquerors Championship
  • Velocity Gaming (India) Vs Global Esports (India)
  • Time: 16:30 IST
  • Format: Best of 3 Online

Map veto

  • Global Esports ban Ascent
  • Velocity Gaming ban Bind
  • Global Esports pick Split
  • Velocity Gaming pick Haven
  • Global Esports pick Breeze   

Map 1: Split (Pick : Global Esports, Winner : Velocity Gaming, Final Score : 13-6 [VLT])

Riding the wave of optimism after entering the Finals Playoffs of the Valorant Conquerors Championship, Anuj “Amaterasu” Sharma and his troops locked horns with Global Esports today, in a bid to advance further on to the Upper Bracket. Velocity Gaming were able to take the game to their opponents during the early stages of Split, but they couldn’t keep that intensity for long as GE’s In-game leader Bhavin “HellrangeR struck twice in the 5th and the 9th round including an ace to guard the planted spike from getting neutralized. The first half was settled with an even scoreline of 6-6 but it was VLT who tightened up and gradually took the upper hand, with Agneya “Marzil” Kaushik and Sagnik “Hellff” Roy combining for over 35 frags to spearhead the team’s domination over their regional nemesis. It was indeed a catastrophic failure for GE  as they looked destitute and listless, dropping their map pick 6-13 to VLT. 

Map 2 : Haven (Pick : Velocity Gaming, Winner : Global Esports, Final Score : 13-6[GE])

The first half of Haven was almost a carbon of Split’s, this time completely in the favor of Global Esports who were able to recover from a deficit to end the first half 6-6 on their defense. Velocity Gaming were able to kick off their map pick with a resonating 5-2 lead, all hail Mohit “mw1” Wakle’s heroics bolstered by his Jett pick. Global Esports then tightened up and took the upper hand as a collective effort from Akshay “KappA” Sinkar and Bhavin “HellrangeR” Kotwani saw VLT  unable to breeze past the reinforcements set up by Global Esports thanks to the former’s 3k defense on the C site aided by Bhavin’s sneaky play in the 12th round to square out the half.

Coming from the break, the second half was all about Ganesh “SkRossi” Gangadhar who looked extremely determined to turn the series over and have a shot at redemption from Split. His constant aggression on the offense was indeed a nightmare for VLT as they were being picked off from their own territories. It all came down to Abhirup “Lightningfast” Choudhury who had the final laugh as Global Esports traded off VLT’s pick with that of Split. 

Map 3 : Breeze (Pick and Won by : Velocity Gaming, Final Score : 18:16 [VLT])

Velocity Gaming found sporadic success to start the defense on Breeze, thanks to a nail-biting retake from Anuj “Amaterasu” Sharma in the 9th round further aided by Marzil who locked Global Esports from entering the B site later in the 11th. The contention to enter the Upper Bracket Final of the Valorant Conquerors Championship was getting just started as Global Esports got going on their defense in the second half. HellrangeR and co quickly settled the scoreline 9-9 before both the teams started to trade rounds back and forth. GE were the first to hit match point but their momentum seemed to dwindle as Mohit “mw1” Wakle helped Velocity to claw back and force Overtime on their Indian Counterparts.

After a series of 4 Overtime rounds, Velocity Gaming finally claimed the real estate in Breeze as they were able to convert an A site hit into a match point win.

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