Tuesday, April 1, 2025

VCT Champions: Vivo Keyd’s win over Acend overturned after using banned Cypher camera exploit

The result between Vivo Keyd and Acend from the Group A of the ongoing Valorant Champions Berlin has been overturned and been scored in favor of the European side as a player from the Brazilian squad was found guilty, to have exploited a banned Cypher camera spot on Breeze.

The result between Vivo Keyd and Acend from the Group A of the ongoing Valorant Champions Berlin has been overturned and been scored in favor of the European side as a player from the Brazilian squad was found guilty, to have exploited a banned Cypher camera spot on Breeze.

After taking the series to a decider on Breeze, the community hailed Vivo Keyd for their upset over Acend in their Group match-up before they were made to face the music summing up to  Jonathan ‘JhoW’ Gloria’s actions which left the entire team in shatters following the latter’s attempt to exploit a bug which violated the Rule 7.2.6 from Riot’s set bylaws towards their first person tactical shooter.

The Rule 7.2.6 reads,

Intentionally using any in-game bug to seek an advantage is exploiting and is prohibited. Exploiting includes acts such as making use of any game function that, in the Tournament Operator’s sole judgement, is not functioning as intended and violates the design purpose of VALORANT. Team members may confidentially check with the referee at the beginning of a Competition to determine if a specific act would be considered Exploiting. Riot reserves the right to make an ex-post-facto determination of whether an exploit has occurred.

The exploit was attempted on the map Breeze which had to determine the winner as both the teams were tied 1-1 in the series. JhoW placed his Cypher camera on the A-site which allowed him to to see through the back of a small map texture which was intended to block the player’s view and indeed gave Vivo Keyd an upper hand with the one-way intel. The bug was abused for between the rounds 13-20. 

Below we have attached evidence, sourced from valorantesports.com who have successfully investigated the entire incident.

Round 20: Exploit was used to obtain information of the Kay/O player from Acend running through the Cypher cage of Vivo Keyd.

The player’s actions were not contested during the match which allowed Vivo Keyd to further play and win the map by the scoreline of 13-8 and the series although the result was reversed as the six rounds where the camera exploit was used were forfeited by Vivo Keyd and granted to Acend, resulting in an adjusted score of Acend 12 to Vivo Keyd 9. Riot further accounted for the economic impact of the six forfeited rounds on the subsequent rounds in the map which awarded Ascend one extra round, eventually making them the winners of the series Vs Vivo Keyd. 

As a part of the investigation, the staff at Valorant Champions Tour added,

The specific Cypher camera exploit provides an unintended one-way view of the entrance to A site of Breeze, which provides critical information that has a severe impact on the outcome on the round even when the Cypher camera does not see the players from the opposing team.

In the wake of the above incident, Group A matches have been rescheduled to a further date, to be announced once Riot completes reviewing the ruling against Vivo Keyd. The Brazilian squad will face X10 in their elimination match. 

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