Thursday, March 27, 2025

Valorant Skye Release Date

Riot has revealed the details of the upcoming Valorant Act 3 through a blog post dated October 7th. The new Act will bring a number of new changes to the competitive shooter including a new map, a new Agent, and a revamped competitive system.

While the new map is already confirmed to be a snow-themed map named Icebox, details on the abilities of the new agent haven’t been made public by Riot as of yet. However, that didn’t stop data miners to dig up game files in search of the Agent’s mechanics.

Also Read | Valorant Act 3 – new agent, singularity skin collection, release date, and more

According to some data miners on Twitter, the upcoming female Agent will pack a skillset which is sort of a combination between that of Sage and Sova. Her abilities are:


EQUIP a healing trinket. HOLD FIRE to channel, healing allies in range and line of sight. Can be reused until her healing pool is depleted. Skye cannot heal herself.


EQUIP a Tasmanian tiger trinket. FIRE to send out and take control of the predator. While in control, FIRE to leap forward, exploding in a concussive blast and damaging directly hit enemies.


EQUIP a hawk trinket. FIRE to send it forward. HOLD FIRE to guide the hawk in the direction of your crosshair. RE-USE while the hawk is in flight to transform it into a flash.


EQUIP a Seeker trinket. FIRE to send out three Seekers to track down the three closest enemies. If a Seeker reaches its target, it near sights them.

This combination of skills is certain to make Skye a favorite among Valorant fans due to the amount of utility she brings to the table. Judging by the descriptions, Skye can potentially be one of the best initiators in the entire game.

The bad news is, it’ll take a while before we can see Skye in Valorant. The devs have confirmed that while Icebox will be available to play on the day of the release of Act 3, the new Agent will be arriving one patch later on October 27th.


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