Friday, March 28, 2025

New Valorant Agent Yoru abilities, gameplay leaked

Only a week remains before the release of the much-anticipated Episode 2 of Riot’s competitive shooter Valorant, and fans are more hyped than ever. It appears like the hype has escalated even further since the upcoming Valorant agent ‘Yoru’ got leaked on the internet. 

Valorant Yoru Abilities:

From the first looks, it’s evident that Yoru possesses a skillset that excels in deceiving the opposition and provides players with plenty of room for creative playstyles.
Here are the abilities of Yoru as mentioned in the leaks:

While we’ve been seeing a number of leaks on this new Valorant agent for a while now, we were still in the dark about the agent’s abilities or his actual name.

Today, Russian YouTuber ‘БАЧОК’ seems to have leaked in-depth information on the upcoming agent including all the abilities of ‘Stealth’.

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Abilities –

  • Z: Creates the sound of fake footsteps in a specific direction. Players can use ‘Fire’ to send it ahead or pre-place it with Alt-Fire, then press F to send it ahead.
  • X: Temporarily blinds enemies looking towards it. Players can press ‘Fire’ to throw it. It will pop after contacting the surface.
  • C: Places a Portal that can be sent ahead and teleported through. Press ability button to place Portal, press ‘Fire’ to send Portal ahead, anchor Portal with Alt-Fire. Press ‘Activate’ to teleport through the Portal.
  • Q (Ultimate): Press ‘Fire’ to become invisible for enemies and invulnerable while being able to move freely.

Valorant Yoru Release Date:

The new Valorant agent is expected to be released alongside Episode 2. The release date for Episode 2 has been confirmed to be January 12, 2021 by Riot Games themselves.

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