Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Valve Earns More per Employee Than Top Tech Giants Combined

According to a report by PC Gamer, Valve’s legal documents reveal a shocking revelation: They earn more money per employee than Amazon, Microsoft, and Netflix combined.

Valve has managed to build an empire with only 336 employees, which has given them a significant edge in limiting operations costs while maximizing profit. While streamlining their operations, Valve has managed to beat some of the major tech companies in the field above.

Image via TechCrawler

It is abundantly clear that the low number of employees plays the most important role in achieving this feat given the other names in the list have several-fold more employees than the Game Distribution Platform.

This information has come to light after Valve was involved in a legal battle with Wolfire Games and the documents involved in the said lawsuit have caused this information to surface which would otherwise remain unknown given Valve is a privately operated organization.

Nonetheless, Valve is arguably the oldest player in the industry and holds its crown with growing competition from the likes of Epic Games, Electronic Arts, and many more, all with 336 employees.

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