The most anticipated cosmetic that this battle pass presents finally hits the live servers today. Kid Invoker persona awaited by Invoker spammers and the Dota 2 community alike.
However, the Dota 2 community already had a preview of the persona, in the ti7 short film movie (SFM) contest and bagged the first place.
With the release of this persona, it is evident that Invoker pick rates will skyrocket or it’ll get banned every game.
Kid Invoker itself levels with Arcana tier in my opinion. The particle effects, especially the forge spirit and the voice, stands out.
Down sides-
- After the release of Invoker kid persona, the original Invoker item market took a hit. All the previous immortals went on a downward spiral and prices are decreasing at a rapid pace. Example – Dark artistry cape was 24k INR last night now it’s 16k INR. The trading community took a hit. It seems like valve is planning an entirely new market for the persona.
- Hitbox changes. Kid Invoker persona had a way smaller hitbox if compared to the original Invoker hitbox as seen in the picture. Pay2win?

To conclude things, the Dota 2 community and the Invoker spammers are quite happy with the persona update but, trading community is not. Especially the hitbox is a little far fetched from being fair. Also, this update brings a lot of heat for Invoker as a hero, people who don’t know how to play Invoker will also pick it. My advice, try to ban it every game or counter it.