Saturday, March 29, 2025

Velocity Gaming creator Rakazone is doing a marathon stream of 40+ hours

Rakazone Gaming, a popular gaming content creator from India, is doing a marathon stream to rank up in Apex Legends. He has aimed to go from Bronze to Platinum in a single stream for 40+ hour duration. Rakazone comes under the umbrella of Velocity Gaming that manages multiple talented streamers like TBone, Fa2 and more and has a dominant Valorant roster.

Rakazone begun this long stream on 21st May and is still on a mission to reach Platinum in Apex Legends. Players that are familiar with Apex Legends know that it is not an easy task to rank up in this fast-paced BR game and climbing multiple ranks from Bronze to Platinum in a single stream is commendable in itself.

The stream has been running for more than 40 hours now and Rakazone has managed to climb upto Gold 4 right now. Readers can watch Rakazone Gaming in action by clicking on the link given below:

  • Rakazone Gaming Apex Legends Marathon Stream – Click Here

Rishab ‘Rakazone’ Karanwal is a talented stream moulding himself with the ever-changing meta of gaming and streaming industry. He is well known for his GTA RP gameplay and was also felicitated the “Streamer of the Year” award in 2018.

This marathon stream will be running until Rakazone reaches Platinum rank and despite it being a difficult feat, a dedicated streamer is grinding to entertain his audience by using his impeccable game sense and sheer discipline to play Apex Legends for such long hours.


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