Monday, March 3, 2025

Pokémon Go: Shinx Community Day Guide

Pokemon Go has announced its Shinx Community Day, which will be held on November 21st, 2021. Our Pokemon Go: Shinx Community Day guide goes over ways to maximize the most of this event, Shinx’s Community Day perks, and more!

Starting Nov. 21, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your local time zone, the regular Community Day perks, such as higher spawn and Shiny rate, will be active.

How To Maximize Your Shinx Community Day

Shinx Community Day offers a hatch distance bonus, which means that any eggs placed in Incubators during the event will hatch in 25% of the time it would normally take. As it’s the last regular Community Day of the year, Shinx Community Day also comes with additional benefits.

Candy received from transferring Pokémon will be tripled, and you’ll have a better chance of earning XL Candy. Further, three free Raid Passes will be handed to players from the spinning gyms. It will also cost 25% less Stardust to trade Pokémon between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. in your local time.

How To Find a Shiny Shinx?

The players will be able to find Shiny Shinx much easier this time around. Community Day has increased the Shiny rate for the featured Pokemon. Players can also avoid grinding all day for the Shiny Shinx and simply pop an Incense and tap each Shinx that comes up. According to The Silph Road’s research, the Shiny rate during Community Days is around 1 in 25, which is not bad compared to the regular days.

Community Day Moves for Shinx’s Evolution – Luxray

Shiny Shinx evolves ultimately to Luxray and can be evolved anywhere between 11 AM till 7 PM in players’ local time on November 21st. The Shinx evolution will be able to learn Psychic Fangs, a psychic-type move.

For more Pokemon GO guides, make sure to check out how to get XL candy in Pokemon GO.

Kanishka Thakur
Kanishka Thakur
Kanishka has been writing for TalkEsport for the past six years—specializing in news and guides for various games. Apart from being passionate about writing and gaming, he is also a professional actor.
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