Monday, March 3, 2025

When and Where to Find the Best Raids in Pokemon GO July 2023

ly 2023. Find out the latest information on 1-Star, 3-Star, 5-Star, and Mega Raids, including specific dates, times, and the Pokemon bosses you’ll be up against. Remember, knowledge is power, and with this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to face any challenge that comes your way​.

Pokemon GO Raids: Timing is Everything

In Pokemon GO, Raid bosses are up for grabs at any time. However, for the 5-Star bosses, your best opportunity to encounter them is during the game’s Legendary Raid Hour, which happens every Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM local time. This hour will automatically activate a Raid for one of the 5-Star bosses according to the current schedule​​.

1-Star Raid Bosses: July 2023

As you venture into the world of Pokemon GO in July 2023, here’s what you can expect for the 1-Star Raids:

  • Sneasel (CP 1107-1172)
  • Darumaka (CP 768-823)
  • Scraggy (CP 732-784)

Please note that the 1-Star Raid bosses might change following the end of the Dark Flames event on July 6. Stay tuned for updates​​.

3-Star Raid Bosses: July 2023

Moving up to the 3-Star Raids, you’ll be up against the following bosses in July 2023:

  • Alolan Marowak (CP 988-1048)
  • Flareon (CP 1652-1730)
  • Umbreon (CP 1153-1221)
  • Turtonator (CP 1203-1270)

Just like the 1-Star Raids, the 3-Star bosses could also change after the Dark Flames event ends on July 6. Keep an eye out for any changes​.

5-Star Raid Bosses: July 2023

Here’s where things get legendary! For the 5-Star Raids in July 2023, you can expect the following bosses:

  • Heatran (Available from June 29 to July 6)
  • Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos (Available from July 6 to July 13)
  • Regieleki (Available from July 13 to July 25)
  • Regidrago (Available from July 25 to August 4)​.

Mega Raids: July 2023

For the Mega Raids in July 2023, featuring only Mega-evolved Pokemon, you’ll be up against:

  • Mega Sableye (Available from June 29 to July 6)
  • Mega Blastoise (Available from July 6 to July 13)
  • Mega Blaziken (Available from July 13 to July 25)
  • Mega Tyranitar (Available from July 25 to August 4)​.

And there you have it! That’s your guide to the Pokemon GO Raid scheduled for July 2023. Remember to stay prepared, be strategic, and most importantly, have fun! For even more Pokemon GO guides and updates, stay tuned.

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Aritra Patra
Aritra Patra
Aritra leads the editorial charge at TalkEsport. Away from the keyboard and deadlines, you can find him playing CS2, Valorant, and occasionally EA FC.
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