Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Code To Unlock Fords Safe In Remnant 2 In Ward 13

In the world of Remnant 2, secrets are as abundant as the challenges that lie in wait. One such secret that has intrigued players is the locked chest in Ford’s room at Ward 13. This guide will walk you through the steps to unlock this chest and reveal the treasures within.

How to open Ford’s safe in Remnant 2

The key to unlocking Ford’s chest lies in a code. This isn’t just any code, but one that is cleverly hidden right at the beginning of the game. The code is 0451, and it’s etched on the flashlight that Ford hands to you at the start of the campaign. To find it, simply open your inventory, inspect the flashlight, and rotate it to view the bottom. There, you’ll find the numbers 0451 scrawled on the metal.

Unlocking the Chest

With the code in hand, you can now unlock the chest in Ford’s room. Inside, you’ll find the Cargo Control Key. But what do you do with this key?

What to do with the Cargo Control Key

Once you have the Cargo Control Key, your journey isn’t over. Head outside, past the world stone, the firing range, and the strange creature selling its wares. Avoid the ramp where you followed Ford, and instead, keep to the right. Make your way toward the container yard and the giant ship. You’ll see a gap on the right that allows you to get onto the deck of the ship. From there, a small ramp leads down into the belly of the ship. Follow the corridors until you come to a locked door. Use the Cargo Control Key to open it, and inside, you’ll find the MP60-R handgun.

Is the MP60-R Worth It?

In Remnant 2, every resource counts, and deciding whether a weapon is worth using is crucial. The MP60-R is a decent weapon, especially if you find it early in the game. It has good stats and can prove useful when dealing with lesser mobs that are common in the game. Here are the stats for the MP60-R:

  • Damage – 9
  • RPS – 14.2
  • Magazine – 42
  • Accuracy – High
  • Ideal Range – 17 meters
  • Falloff Range – 50 meters
  • Max Ammo – 252
  • Critical Hit Chance – 10%
  • Weak Spot Damage Bonus – +100%
  • Stagger Modifier – 0%

Unlocking Ford’s chest is just one of the many secrets that Remnant 2 has to offer. With this guide, you’re one step closer to mastering the game and uncovering all its hidden treasures.

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