It’s amazing the kind of mayhem that can be unleashed when cutting-edge technology gets pushed past its old limits.
Consider Deadpool, which tells the tale of Wade Winston Wilson, a Special Forces operative turned mercenary whose mutant powers are rivaled only by his smart mouth.
“The power of GPU rendering combined with the speed and real-time interactivity of the HP workstations equipped with M6000s allowed us to consider rendering things we wouldn’t have been able to before. It made the process so much easier and more efficient.” – Kevin Margo, Blur Studios.
It’s also the story of how the film’s startling opening sequence — one that would’ve seemed unimaginable a few years ago — came to be.fhp
Based on Marvel Comics’ most unconventional anti-hero and directed by Blur Studios’ Tim Miller, Deadpool is action-packed from beginning to end, starting with the film’s incredible title sequence.
It’s a 90-second-long camera shot that weaves its way through a climactic, frozen-in-time, battle scene. Miller turned to Blur to develop the sequence, which was created entirely in CG.
GPU-Powered Rendering Turns Seeing Into Believing

As a first step, Blur developed detailed pre viz – previews of what the scenes would look like – to show to the studio and to Tim. Typically, such concept previews are rudimentary. They use simplified models, lighting and textures. But not all clients can see beyond these limitations.
Kevin Margo, a visual effects supervisor/director at Blur who served as a lighting TD for Deadpool, had previously explored GPU rendering during the making of his own fully computer-generated short film, Construct. So, he knew it would allow his team to make the previz as visually realistic and immersive as possible.
“We wanted to put our best quality preview in front of Fox,” Margo said.
Blur Studios built CG assets from the ground up using Autodesk 3ds Max. They then rendered them using Chaos Group’s GPU renderer, V-Ray RT, which runs exclusively on NVIDIA GPUs, and is up to 15 times faster than a CPU renderer.