SkRossi Says NA and EU Players are a Lot More Focused at Competitive Levels

sk rossi

North America and Europe have always remained giants in the world of online competitive video games, which is why it didn’t come as a surprise to most when NA and EU pros started dominating Riot Games’ tactical shooter Valorant within only a few weeks of its initial release. 

While there are undoubtedly some great Valorant teams and individual talents in South Asia, even the best teams from the region struggle to keep up with their western counterparts. 

TalkEsport had the chance to have a talk with the top Indian Valorant pro, Ganesh “SkRossi” Gangadhar, regarding the current state of esports in India. During the interview, the Global Esports star brought up several interesting points that fans can check out here.

When being asked about whether SkRossi would look forward to breaching the national boundaries and contest his skills in other regions as well, the 22-year-old mentioned that players can catch up with the pros from other regions like NA and EU by working harder in general. 

“I think players should be more creative and grind hard to reach the level of regions like NA, EU or SEA,” SkRossi said. 

He further mentioned that players from those regions are not only strong individually, but they’re also a lot more focused at competitive levels in general.

According to SkRossi, it should be possible to reach the levels of European or North American Valorant pros by playing more games, learning the game, and figuring out the team’s strengths and weaknesses. 

[Timestamp 3:57]

Whether or not Global Esports can put up a challenge against EU and NA teams still remains to be seen in the future. However, it’s clear from the words of SkRossi that the players are constantly trying to improve as a team and are on their way to be one of the finest teams in Asia.